Tail Waggin’ Tutors


I love our libraries.  Pick any one, and you will not be disappointed.  The architecture, the abundant resources, the crowded quiet.  This week, my children got to experience something that I had heard of years ago, but forgotten.  When my girls were smaller, I frequently checked the library’s calendar of events.  Free Mommy and Me events in this setting were perfect for me when I was outnumbered 3:1.  Some of the events, though, are geared towards school aged kids.  Because they were so young, I had forgotten about them until this week when I walked in with my ducklings in tow.

“Tail Waggin’ Tutors Today!”

It sounded like a delightfully unexpected afternoon activity and spoke with the librarian for details.  Each child could sign up for 10 minutes to read to a therapy dog! I signed them up, and we went to find a quiet spot to read until it was our time.  The librarian said we would know when the dog arrived because she causes quite a commotion.  I have seen friendly pups that visit hospitals.  I could see how the nearly smiling, happy, wagging bounce of a therapy dog could cause a stir.  But I wasn’t ready for what was about to happen.
Right at 4, in walks Clara.  No happy bounce.  No smiling, furry face.  But there was certainly a stir.  She is a gorgeous Great Dane that stood taller than my 5 year old.  (Now mind you, I am NOT a pet person.  But this elegant, calm creature actually might have swayed me).  She was personable and engaging, without overwhelming the children.

Clara’s owner brought her to her favorite spot.  She laid down and got ready to work.  Her job is to sit quietly and listen to little ones read.  The idea behind it is to help build the confidence in new readers because sweet Clara isn’t going to judge or scoff or peep.   Practical encouragement outside of cheering adults that “have to say that.”

My girls left exhilarated and excited.  They chatted all the way home about what book they wanted to choose for Clara next time.  They agreed she’d probably like a Henry & Mudge best.

If you haven’t already, go get a library card.  You’ll need a card number to register for the ever changing classes they offer.  Then visit all of the unique libraries in Scottsdale.  There is nothing like the smell of an old book . . . in this case, mixed with doggy breath.  🙂


  1. Amazing, Cate. Thank you! Also, I read this in the parking lot of the Mustang library, waiting for it to open with my littlest one in tow. Perfect! 🙂

  2. We are totally going to this with you after we move! Reagan is still learning about dogs and I’d love her to have some positive interactions with this large and gental Great Dane!

    thanks for sharing!

    • That is exactly what the little girl behind us was doing. She had had some really bad interactions with dogs. She wasn’t just practicing reading, it was emotional therapy. For free! Community in action!! 🙂

  3. Whos beautiful Great Dane is that!! We have one as our mascot at work. Thanks for the story and encouraging people to go to the Library. The new library in N. Scottsdale is so great! For those of you that didn’t know, and need an a hah moment., all of the Scottsdale libraries are named after types of horses! Arabian, Mustang, Palomino!!

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